Coach, Specialization: English
Coach Neph earned her Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in English in Southern Luzon State University, Lucban. She just recently completed her Diploma leading to Master of Arts in Language and Literacy Education in University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU).
A private scholarship through the Teacher Development Program of Quezon Power Limited supported her masteral studies at the UPOU. Before she devoted her time to her online shop, The Treasure Cloud, she was an English teacher and school paper adviser of Ang/The Velocity in Quezon Science High School.
A MindGym alumna with a high rating in the September 2013 LET, she became one of the coaches for English specialization at MindGym until now, at RevYou Hub.
She is a teacher, writer, blogger, and a life-long learner whose passion is to inspire the youth to develop their love of learning in order to transfer what they have learned into ideas and innovation that will be of great help to the community, country and hopefully to the world. She strongly believes on what Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”