Join our 2021 Coaching for the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
Super Blend (SLX)
1) Print Materials
Materials will be shipped to your address for FREE. Philippines only.
- 4 updated Power Books (Orientation manual, General Education, Professional Education, your Specialization)
- Diagnostic test
- Module tests
- Mock LET
- Extra practice tests
2) Online Classes
To access: You’ll need stable internet connection and preferably a desktop or laptop instead of a phone or tablet.
- Real-time discussion with coaches (scheduled Saturdays and Sundays)
- Videos for self-review
- Additional learning resources
- Exclusive Facebook group
Full Online (Self-study)
Conducted fully online
To access materials: You’ll need stable internet connection and preferably a desktop or laptop instead of a phone or tablet.
- 4,000 LET item drills for General Education, Professional Education, Specialization, Mock LET
- Additional learning resources
- Exclusive Facebook group
- Group Q&A chats for General and Professional Education (Pre-scheduled)
Our LET programs are ALL-IN:
✔ General Education ✔ Professional Education
✔ Specialization ✔ Power Coaching
Get quality coaching and materials. No hidden fees
for books, tests, handouts, and other classes.
Super Blend (SLX)
- Printed: 4 exclusive books and other materials
- Online: Real-time webinars, videos, chat, group discussions
- 2021 coaching ongoing
Online Self-study
- Self-study online course, with emails, chat, group
- Sign Ups Ongoing. Program start TBA 2020